Monday, March 23, 2009

Goldstein'd It

Real life has intervened, which is unfortunate for you blog followers.  I apologize for the little break between the Michigan Day update and now.  A big fuck you for not bothering to comment on it though.  I should have a real update tomorrow, complete with all of the sarcastic wittiness and third rate writing that you have come to love.  In the meantime, I give you David Wesley doing his Ryan Goldstein impression.

The NBA, where amazing happens.

Never Run the Toss Sweep

Coach Deuce


  1. I REMEMBER WATCHING THAT! David Wesley was so awful with the Cavs. That was like his one shot attempt with Cleveland.

  2. Wow, at least Goldstein will go down in history being famous for something.

    And the commenting system was being gay before and wouldn't let me make one unless I had a blogger ID or something. (so don't think we weren't reading)
