Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is Cleveland Imploding?

Hey, NRTTS Nation! Let me introduce myself as the newest guest blogger. I am Stefan The D. Coach Deuce has graciously allowed me to join the team, and I hope to add even more to the already strong duo of "Coach" and "The Gate."

Now that the formalities are over and done with, let's get to the meat of this post.

Am I being punished by the sports gods? Has someone up above deemed that Cleveland Sports are not already horrible enough? Did some deity decide that Stefan Diehm's two favorite athletes need to be embroiled in a spat that involves the less successful of the two cold-cocking a little peon outside of a night club at 3am? Who's idea was it to make that little 130 lb. entertainment promoter a close personal friend of my favorite baketball player since Shawn "want a kid?" Kemp, Lebron James?

When I saw the article headline "Edwards Allegedly Hit Lebron's Friend", my heart sank into a familiar depth - the lowest level of depression after a Michigan loss to Michigan State after a valiant comeback. I was starting to feel better, when the clash of these two handsome titans hurt my insides. Braylon is likely to be run out of Cleveland, and if Lebron has a hand in running him out of the city only to bail himself in 2010... LOOK OUT! THERE WILL BE A GEYSER OF RAGE AND VIOLENT FEELINGS COMING FROM SPRINGFIELD, OHIO THAT COVERS THE MIDWEST IN A POISONOUS FLUORIDE CLOUD THE LIKES OF WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN SEEN SINCE DONORA, PENNSYLVANIA OCT. 31, 1948!!!

At least the Browns are collectively horrible and Braylon is not singled out as a weak link. The whole team needs a Herb Brooks pep-talk from this little kid.

Maybe the Browns win 3 games, maybe they only win 1. What I do know is...

You've just been D'ed up...
-Stefan The D.


  1. A trio the world hasn't seen since the Fab Five as long as Coach doesn't start taking money from boosters or calling TOs when we don't have any we could go to the top of the blogging world.

    Braylon is gone...Massaquoimade that apparent with a number one performance on Sunday. LeBron I'm still not set either way on they MUST win it all this year or somehow bring in D-Wade to keep him.

    I typed that just for kicks but, what kind of three headed monster would that be for a year or two?? Dwade, Lebron, and Shaq. I feel a better video game than ShaqFu in the making.

    Beat Iowa

  2. You think you're a frustrated cleveland fan...of course the city of champions has taken the edge off my deep sorrow... but cut me open, you'll still discover a river of ghastly endoplasm more virulant than ghostbusters 2...after all I was born in the year the tribe was swept by the Giants in 54...my only championship was jimmy brown, frank ryan, and gary collins for cryin out loud 63-64 season
    On a brighter note my wolverine offspring et al...
    I do get to root for the maize and blue this weekend for a change...beat the hawkeyes indeed
