Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Which Way Do We Go?

First the guest posters on this site owe the Coach and our loyal fan base an apology. Last week said Coach called upon us to help him out as he would be unable to put out any updates last week. We failed...we got lazy, we rested on our laurels, we thought, "Eh, what's one week...."And for that I say "We're sorry, Stefan The D. and I failed you."Now onto the real meat of this post...

I've spent the last three days, hell the last month on a voyage trying to figure out where our team is heading. We left September and we were looking for flights to Pasadena. Now as October comes to a close November looms. November is what college football is all about. November defines where you've been and where you're going in the future. November is the time to decide Which way do we go?

With trips to Illinois and the always strange Wisconsin there's a bit of trepidation for the this fan to turn the calendar to November with only 5 wins. While I firmly believe we should get a win this Saturday over the Illini I also realize our defense has more problems than a Steven Threet led offense. Anything can happen in the next 4 games at this point I wouldn't be surprised an another bowl-less year. Pissed, but not surprised.

I would be surprised if the offense can carry us through a late 4 game stretch the way it did to start the season. The injuries have just become to much, the weight of 10 defensive starters is just to much for the small framed Forcier. This defense has killed us and if Rich Rod's track record shows us anything its that D isn't nearly as important to him as putting up a gazillion points.

These last few days have also lead me to wonder if the "Wait til Rich get's ahold of all that talent Michigan can pull in" talk was misplaced. Can he get that "talent" that right now I'm not even sure exists? The reason we were loaded with talent previously could be attributed to the system we were using. Anyone, at any position, can be a star or NFL prospect in the pro-style system, but in this new scheme there are only QBs and RBs. And they're not really NFL prospects. So why would top talent come play for a terrible Defensive school and an Offense that only showcases 2 or 3 players?


  1. It has been a busy week in Wittenberg City, Springfield, OH. Homecoming '09 has come and gone, and I am not one to stay on the bench when called upon to enter the game. Coach called mine and the Gate's number and we dropped the ball. We dropped the ball like LaTerryal Savoy at the end of this year's UM-ND game, only to have Greg Mathews atone for his blunder.

  2. SS #28 syracuse 2004October 28, 2009 at 10:22 PM

    next time you guys have a lapse let me know I will dig out a real good soccer article, which will make sure no one ever pushes for content when eric or anyone else is busy. But I promise you this your worldly impact will be drastic and the amount of spanish, german or swiss comments would be massive! Juego Fifa 2010!!
