Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

Not again.

Please, not again!  For the love of Trey Wingo, would you please just go away, Brett?  Yet again, we are forced to listen to constant blubber on the four letter network on how Brett Favre is feeling about retirement.  The latest sees him again flirting with the Vikings, long time opponent with a gaping hole at quarterback.  

Hey, Brad Childress.  Save yourself some time and stick with Sage Rosenfels.  Brett Favre is officially over the hill.  He single handedly derailed the Jets playoff hopes last season, sending off a series of events that has landed Eric Mangini in Cleveland and Favre back looking for work.  

If Favre indeed does come back, which we will no doubt have to wait a good month or two to find out, I hope we will not have to sit through the fluff of another city falling in love with Brett.  Minneapolis HATED Favre while he was with the Packers, and they will hate him even more when he throws three picks against the Bears in December.  Is Brad Childress going to name his child after Brett like Mangini did?  How bad do you think Mangini regrets that decision?  That kid will never know the real reason his middle name is Brett.  Ten years from now, Rock of Love Bus could be the reason that Mangini named his kid Brett.  

So as I sit watching Rachel Nichols tell me that Brett wanted to take road trips with his daughters in the fall, I give Brett Favre one big middle finger for making me listen to his boring retirement talk.  Here is some free advice, Brett.  Get out while you still have some credibility and aren't quite the Ric Flair of the NFL.

Those eyes look familiar?  

They can be seen every fifth game, staring down opposing hitters from the pitcher's mound at the new Yankee Stadium.  

Now we know where Joba Chamberlain got his intimidation skills.  Let's hope the similarities with his mom stop there.  Joba's mom was stopped earlier this week in Nebraska, where she was jailed on suspicion of selling meth.  That's right, the mother of a famous (and rich) baseball player is selling meth!  I'm putting some money down that Joba and his mother didn't have a very good relationship if she had to resort to selling meth.  

At least she didn't end up on Dog the Bounty Hunter, where he would smash her ice pipe on cable TV.  Instead, we just get this legendary picture of which to remember the beautiful Mama Joba.  I'm sure hecklers around the league will be carrying blown up pictures of that broad to the ballpark.  Sorry Joba, next time maybe you should just spot your mom a couple grand so she won't be selling meth.

Some random thoughts around sports:
  • Thank you, NHL referee for ruining my Streak For The Cash yet again.  I had the Red Wings to win in Game 3, only to turn on the game with them down one with 5 minutes to go.  The Wings stormed the Ducks zone time after time, until finally with :45 seconds to go they broke through and poked a goal in that skated through the Ducks goalie's legs and was sitting in the crease.  The only problem was that the rear ref thought the goalie had the puck in control for a face off situation.  He blew his whistle inadvertently while the Wings scored their goal, effectively robbing the Wings of their chance to win Game 3.  Replays showed that the whistle may have come just after the goal was scored, but according the the NHL rules it does not matter.  Once a ref blows the play dead, inadvertent or not, then no action can happen.  Way to go, ref.  My Streak will probably never recover.
  • Did anybody else watch the Lakers/Rockets game two last night?  During the third quarter, the game turned into a free-for-all after Lois Scola and Lamar Odom got into it, resulting in double technicals.  On one of the ensuing possessions, Derek Fisher (who took exception to Scola) decided to take matters into his own hands. (<-- video)  After Fisher was ejected, Phil Jackson and Fisher acted as if nothing happened and they were surprised that he was ejected.  Later, Scumbag Kobe elbowed Ron Artest, only for Artest to come after him and threaten some serious bodily harm.  Of course, Kobe was not seen and Artest was the villain, so Ron Ron was ejected and Kobe got to stay in the game.  When Craig Sager interviewed Kobe, he said that he "didn't see the Fisher play" and that "he is just trying to play his game."  Sorry, Kobe.  You are not fooling anyone anymore.  You raped that girl in Colorado, you wrecked the dynasty with Shaq, and you are the biggest scumbag in the NBA.  (Which is saying something in a league that features Stephen Jackson)
  • Breaking news:  Manny has been suspended for 50 games for using a banned substance.  First the really bad news, I have Andre Ethier and Matt Kemp on my fantasy team.  They were benefiting greatly from Manny's presence in the lineup and I'm not sure how they will react to this.  Second, who is the last slugger from the 90's not to have some steroid cloud over their head.  Manny was the last great hope, but that pretty much evaporates with this latest news.  Chipper Jones will go down as the best hitter from the 90's-00's that has never used steroids.  
  • Lastly, something that really bothers me about one of my favorite movies of all time.  I was watching Tommy Boy on TBS at 3 in the morning the other night, when a huge flaw with the movie hit me in the face.  After Beverly and Rob Lowe are exposed as being married, Lowe attempts to escape.  He is hilariously hung up on a "crash test dummy car" where he lands in a chair and is hit with a heavy bag in the nads.  Then, Zalinski makes a comment to Beverly about how pretty she looks, and Beverly looks at Rob Lowe and takes Zalinski's arm and walks away.  The scene cuts away to Tommy Boy and Richard and they give a "ooooh, what a cute relationship" look that suggests that Beverly was allowed to walk away with Zalinski.  Go back and watch that part of the movie right now!  Why is she allowed to walk away?!  She is just as guilty, if not more, since she was the actual person who was married illegally.  This movie might be ruined to me if I don't find out if she was actually arrested or if she walked away with Zalinski the Auto Parts King.  
That's all for today, comment away!


Coach Deuce


  1. I completely agree with your take on the Lakers/Kobe. The Fisher body check is clearly suspension worthy. You can see him line Scola up in his sights prior to the incident. And, the Kobe elbow actually made me feel for Artest after his ejection. Phil Jackson covers for them because he knows they're screwed if Stu Jackson hands down the suspensions, but it's time that Kobe gets the smug, "What did I do?" look wiped off his face. And, you know what? Artest would be just the player/goon to deliver!

  2. Every night the Lakers lace them up I daydream of Kobe Bryant's career ending injury. Coach is exactly right, he raped her, ruined the dynasty with Diesel, and is the biggest douche possibly in the history of basketball, and I'm including BJ Mullins and the Duke version of JJ Reddick.

    As for the Wings, they played like ass the whole first period and a half that I watched. Osgood played like the typical Detroit GK in the playoffs, mediocre enough to let a few goals go by that would have taken a great player to make. I'm feeling a hockey feature tonight or tomorrow, because its obviously something the fans want.

  3. You're absolutely right - about the Tommy Boy piece. The audience is left to assume she goes with Zalinsky and gets out of any jail time. Perhaps the writers just wanted to make her look less guilty, as if Rob Lowe was pulling the strings and she was just the face to make these scams happen. Either way, logic was lost earlier when Tommy's love interest tries to fly from Sandusky, OH to Cuyahoga Falls, OH - a driving distance of about an hour.

