Sunday, May 17, 2009

If It's in the Game, It's in the Game and a Weekend Update

With the help of PS3 and EA Sports we made it through a Saturday with no sports besides baseball and the Preakness. And we've got sports and sports news coming out every orifice of our bodies. There's a lot to get to in these last remaining hours before the puck drops and the ball goes into the air so lets get the triangle setup and the vorcheck in position.

Former Sun Devil Cornhusker Sam Keller has filed a class action lawsuit against Electronic Arts. Keller alleges that both EA and the NCAA are raking in the cash from video game sales based upon the relation between the video game characters and the real life counterparts. As amateur athletes the likeness of Sam and his teammates are not allowed to be used for profit. Now EA Sports and their college basketball and football series are something I'm very familiar with. Coach and I didn't win the tag titles behind the leadership of Brooks Bollinger, PK Sam, and others, we led QB #5 and WR #4 to glories their counterparts could never reach. Of course we know they're supposed to represent real players Sam, that's why we play the game. College football is a business, and the NCAA is making mucho banko. But we don't here these complaints from Booty, Manning, or Bush. The only guys talking about it are the guys using their degree to make money not there arms. Sorry Sam, you got paid; take look at that degree from Nebraska, Arizona State, or wherever the hell you graduated from. Now if you could get EA to just make the game better for the first time since 2003 I'd get behind you.

Move over Aaron Boone there's a new most hated man in New England. After game six of the great Bruins/Canes series, the blood would start to simmer at the mention of Scott Walker. The "fight" took place in the closing minutes of the game, when Walker landed a cheap shot on Aaron Ward knocking Ward to the ground quicker than Shamrock/Ortiz II. The difference being Shamrock knew it was coming. While the punch was a good start the real kick between the legs came Thursday night's game 7. After dominating much of the OT the Bruins D got caught out of position allowing Walker to streak into the slot and punch the winner by Tim Thomas. Now I hate Boston fan as much as the next Yankee fan, but you still had to feel for these guys. Watching Cam Neely walk out of his box after the goal you could see these guys wanted it real bad. The Bruins haven't been relevant since Neely was streaking down the ice at The Garden. After a great series we get a Penguins v. Canes matchup for the conference title.

Those conference finals get started today as the Red Wings get set to take on Original Six rival Chicago Blackhawks. I'm torn on this one, the old school in me says 'Hawks, but I still think I'm pulling for the winged wheels. The Blackhawks have finally returned to relevancy for the first time since Eddie Belfour left for Dallas. The veteran team that Detroit skates should take care of the youth of Chicago much quicker than they dealt with the Ducks. On the other side of the bracket I expect Sid the Kid to send Cam Ward and company back to Carolina without any hardware.

The NBA has two game 7s today. Kobe vs. Houston should be a pretty good game, everyone worth his salt knows that Kobe is going to try and take this game over, its just what he does. The Rockets are playing well as a TEAM going into these playoffs the loss of McGrady seemed like it would just be on of those times when the Rockets would finally advance through the first round, now with the loss of Yao they should be gone, but they're not, they're still standing and here's hoping they continue their run into the conference finals. In the battle for who does LeBron destroy I gotta think the Celts are going to bring all they've got as team to try and stop the youth of the Magic. Games 7s in the NBA are much different than any other sport because the stars have the ability to take the game and usually do. So while I'm hoping for the opposite in each game, I gotta believe the stars come out and beat the Rockets and the Celtics.

In other star related news A-Rod is back. Rodgriguez got his first hit at New Yankee yesterday. A shot over the left field wall earned the troubled star. I can't say anything because deep down I know I'm that guy out in the bleachers talking shit about the guy all day and then as that ball leaves the field I'm pumping my fists for the W. Not really because its still May, show me in October, but everyone knows that the best way to get back into the good graces of a fan is the one thing Al Davis ever said that just makes sense "Just Win Baby".

The Preakness happened yesterday. I flipped it on just in time to see the last leg of the race, perfect timing. As Mine that Bird made a late run just a few strides too late Rachel Alexandra became the first Philly to win the Preakness in 85 years. That's all I know/care about horse racing so I'll let Deuce give more info if he feels warranted.

That's all for today, enjoy one of the last remaining weekends of sports until August for all its worth and stay tuned for news on Mike Vick's release from prison and eventual trade to the Oakland Raiders.

Let the Gate Swing Freely


  1. I think Keller has a semi-legitimate gripe about the video game industry. However, it would be a deadly blow if he won and the teams were not based on the "likeness" of the actual players. Would it even be worth it to play anymore?

  2. I would not buy NCAA year after year if players did not represent actual collegiate athletes.

    Good News: someone is bound create a roster update file that will illegally input real guys if this lawsuit materializes. I see this happening just like putting real minor leaguers into THE SHOW to replace the fabricated minor league players.
