Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Checking In

Okay, here is the deal.

I had been struck with a mean case of writer's block for about a week or so.  I'm getting the itch to write again, but I have to know if the audience is still checking in.

So basically, if you are in favor of the restart of NRTTS, than chime in and I will start spewing out some updates.

Coach Deuce


  1. This blog is like the butthole, you have to penetrate it...

    That had nothing to do with this blog, but I've got a sickness and the only cure is more BLOG! Keep writing Deuce.


  2. I'm with ya, after weeks of packing and organizing shit for a move its all over tomorrow. Don't know when the internet will be working but as soon as it does I'll be right back up there at Left Tackle.

  3. Wow - thanks DBensch.

    I wanted to say, although I'm not the most up-to-date with commenting, I do read all the posts and commment on most - albeit late.

    I'm for the blog! I might even be turning more people on to it, so you can't give it up. Come on Coach!

  4. Keep them coming Coach!
