Saturday, April 11, 2009

Travesties of Mankind - Sports Edition

Its Easter so, without getting into the whole religious aspect of the whole thing, crucifying Christ is probably one of those moments people would put into the "Oops"categories of history. As hardcore sports fans "Oops" is rarely the word to come out of our mouths. Such travesties happen almost daily from different perspectives, but then there's those that truly transcend time and loyalties. These are the moments that promptly and forever earn a "What the

The year was 1972 and the United States Basketball team was playing basketball like they invented the game. The Cold War was at its coldest, we're talking Ben Wallace from outside 3 Feet cold, and the Olympics were held in Munich. In one of he longest 3 second stretches in sports history the Russians were able to attempt 3 shots at goal. Making the last and giving the United States its first loss in Olympic play. After a protest being filed by the United States which they would lose by a vote of 3-2 the entire United States let out a resounding "What the @$%^?!"

Jean Van De Velde - one of the top vote getters for Boner of the Century. You're leading the Open by three strokes, you need double bogey to win the Claret Jug. Not even Phil Mickelson could screw this up. So off the tee you hit into the woods, no problem, pitch it out get up and down for bogey and call it a day. Nope, you decide you're going for it all, knock it over the green what the hell are you taking your shoes off for?? Get out of the water take the drop make your double and deal with it later?? Instead no, you triple go to a playoff and make your claim to another loud scream of "What the #@%#!?!"

The life of a University of Michigan sports fan seems to pull one of these off every couple of years. Kordell Stewart to Westbrook in the Big House. The Rose Bowl field goal fiasco, the phantom TD. But none more deplorable than Chris Webber and his blunder at the Big Dance. While all kinds of factors played into this mess of 10 seconds the ball was in Webber's court and he folded like a paper crane. Who knows how it turns out if Webber makes a play but instead its a fatal blemish on his stellar career with Michigan. Webber proceeded to have a mediocre NBA career and teaming up with Ed Martin to bring down the Michigan basketball program. Thanks for playing Chris.

Feel free to throw out some more. Interaction makes a blog....or so I hear.

~Let the Gate Swing Freely


  1. Lefty and Kenny Perry pulled off a pretty good choke job today at the Masters. Lefty could've easily won that tournament if he doesn't put the ball in the water and then misses those two easy putts.

    Another one is the Shawn Crable roughing the passer penalty. Troy Smith scrambles out of the pocket, throws the ball away and is simultaneously slaughtered by Crable. This play single handedly changed the course of Michigan football history as it prevented Michigan from going on a possible a game winning drive and going to the national championship game. Oh what could have been....

  2. "Bottlegate" against Jacksonville in '01. "Quitzy" Morgan catches an apparent first down catch from Tim Couch to march us closer to a game winning score, and the ball is spiked to stop the clock. (Whew, thank god we ran another play! now the refs can't review that questionable first down.)
    But they still review it?!?!?!?!!??!
    1. Ball spotted short
    2. New NFL replay rules ignored
    3. Browns fans throw what seemed like a thousands bottles that hit the guilty ref and anyone not wearing an Orange Helmet.


    Dwayne Rudd's Helmet throw to lose the opener against Kansas City in '02.

    My two biggest Browns WTF! moments. I know Bryan Buhro is still sulking, and punching/headbutting the wall about these two losses.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How could I have forgotten Crable..."He Crabled him" is still a solid go to line for any hit above the shoulders.

  5. The Helmet Throw was classic. Who was the offensive lineman that rumbled for 50 or so yards while every Browns fan in the state sat with their mouths wide open? John Tait? Kyle Turley?
