Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 1

What a great start...

I don't know where to go with this...There are so many angles to look at this mess from. Outside the Lines is playing with the Block M in the background of a field reporter...This isn't the "Michigan Difference."

The Detroit Free Press has had a chubby for Rich Rodriguez since his plane landed in Ann Arbor. The Freep has always leaned pro MSU because of their readership and since Rich came to town they love to add to the "A Michigan Man should have gotten the job" fire to gain some more subscriptions. This agenda is really pops out to me here. Its a rare occasion that you hit the U-M link on the Freep page and there's a descent article written about our Wolverines. Why the hell do we take the word of "Anonymous" sources so seriously?

I've always hated the line "Everybody does it" but this isn't like Mo C's Escalade or No show construction jobs that tOSU went through a few years ago. But seriously 99% of players and fans know what voluntary means in the College and Professional ranks: "You can voluntarily show up at this or I'll voluntarily put your ass on the bench."

Who are these guys who have shit in the direction of Ann Arbor the last 18 months?

Justin Boren:

Your typical Lloyd Carr Offensive Lineman: Fat and Lazy. Worst of all these guys think they're the shit because they play in the BigTen; a conference known for top tier Offensive Lineman and the shitty ones who manage to keep offenses mediocre. Boren falls into the latter type of lineman. Boren made the statement about "Family Values" had deteriorated in the new regime. So since Rich doesn't tell you to pound an XL Meatlovers before practice he doesn't have the "family values" of Lloyd.

Tony Clemons:

Really?? Tony Clemons? One word comes to mind...Underwhelming. This guy was supposed to come in and be a go to receiver for the Wolverines. He sucked. He transferred. And now he's bitching that he had to practice on Sunday after playing like dogshit on Saturday. Its absolutely ridiculous.

These guys who wanna bitch and moan need to realize that every minute they get to wear that helmet and crack the pads is something you should live for. I'd sleep in my pads and helmet. These guys are pathetic. This is the type of player Lloyd recruited at the end, he looked at the stars not the men. They complained when Bo told them to shave, they complained when Bo yelled at them, they complained. AND THOSE WHO STAYED WERE CHAMPIONS!

If you don't wanna sack up and play some football get the fuck out and give somebody the pads that gives this program the respect it deserves. Nick Sheridan can't play worth a damn, but I think he'd practice 100 hours a week if he could, and I respect that. Donovan Warren, Brandon Graham, and Brandon Minor need to find these "Anonymous" sources...and make sure they're weeded out. If they're not "All In" then I don't want them touching my banner.

The jury is still out on this coaching staff. Some days it seems like they're up against more than they can handle and others it seems like its turning the corner. These distractions don't help anything and just make the program look ignorant. The good news is the chance to fix it all starts Saturday. Wins. Wins make this all go away. The Freep will still pick at the Wolverines, but the malcontents will shut up and deal with it. Winning makes everything feel better.

This was more of a rant than news, but watching OTL and College Football Live pissed me off. Michigan fans, players, and everyone around the program need to get their heads out of their ass and look at how stupid we look right now.

As Always
Go Blue & Remember to Let the Gate Swing Freely.


  1. Hello. I am proud to be the Swinging Gate's Father. A little background: I have been a live and die Michigan fan since I went to my first game in 1967. A season ticket holder for 31 years.

    Now, back to the subject. This is MICHIGAN FOOTBALL. Any player should know that you earn your spot. It's not a given right. It is a privilege to play for this team and you earn your place by HARD WORK and by respecting others such as Coaches, Trainers and team members.

    So, if these two simple rules can't be followed, GOOD-BYE & GOOD RIDDENCE. Or, as I shoud say... SHUT YOUR MOUTH, STICK YOUR DICK IN YOUR ASS AND GET THE FUCK OUT!

    In closing, for 40 years me and millions of other fans wish we could have had the privilege of running out of that tunnel on Saturdays. That is a past dream. We will continue to support THE TEAM, THE TEAM, THE TEAM... win or lose.

  2. Good stuff from The Gate Family.

    I have a little longer post that I wrote up tonight, but I'll save it for tomorrow. Bottom line is that this will pass once the ball snaps on Saturday.
