Monday, August 3, 2009

R.L. Stine


Say that word to any 10 year old boy in the late 90's, and they would rattle off a series of books by "acclaimed" children's horror novelist R.L. Stine. Don't Go To Sleep, It Came From Beneath The Sink, Say Cheese and Die, and of course who could forget the greatest sequel ever...Say Cheese and Die, Again. So what is my point? My point is that if you play the "word association" game with goosebumps, you will get different answer after different answer as you go from person to person. Ask a 35 year old mother, and they will tell you how they feel when their kids make them proud. Ask a 24 year old comic book nerd, and they will tell you about the new trailer for the next great Marvel or DC movie. Ask a 72 year old man, and he will tell you about the early bird special at the Moose Lodge.....or the 3AM Girls Gone Wild Infomercial Marathon on Comedy Central.

Ask me? Only one thing comes to mind. College football.

The thrill and anticipation of opening week is unparalleled. On Monday, there are visions of winged helmets emerging from the Big House tunnel to touch the banner while the greatest fight song in all of college football is played. By Thursday, I hear Temptation playing after every big third down stop (Sidenote: I really did get goosebumps watching that video. Am I weird? Yes, yes I am). By the time Saturday rolls around, I have worked myself into a near frenzy as I await the opening kickoff to the shortest 3 months of the year. Every week brings new opponents, fresh challenges, and opportunities for players to make their names or redeem themselves. Every year has it's scapegoats. For Michigan fans, the Todd Howard's, Steven Threet/Nick Sheridan's, and Pat Massey's of the world will live in our minds as forever being a thorn in the side of the Wolverines. Hell, John Navarre nearly single handedly brought down the Kardos household. This year, Stevie Brown gets a chance to erase all the bad memories he has caused over his 4 year playing career.

The fantastic thing about college football is that each team has it's own Todd Howard. The Bucks will always have Stanley Jackson. Notre Dame will always have Carlisle Holliday (who is STILL featured on NCAA 10'). Michigan State will always have Jeff Smoker. Every year, we get 20-25 new faces that have the potential to be either the next campus legend or the next campus pariah. The roller coaster that is recruiting is like a bad crack habit. You are better off just staying away from it all together. Once you start to peek into the world, a weird fascination starts with 18 year old's deciding for or against attending the school of your choice. With every commitment, there are visions of game winning touchdowns and bone crushing hits. The bottom line is that we are all jealous of these people that are gifted with the chance to put on that uniform, that helmet, those colors, and to run out on that field. There is nothing like the pageantry of the band playing, the crowd doing it's signature chants, and the traditions that every team possess. Combine it all, and you get the image that pops into my head when someone mentions goosebumps.

The time is near, and with every day the anticipation grows greater. This fan cannot wait to wash the taste of hooker spit and taint sweat that was last year out of his mouth. Michigan may have gone 3-9, but it still returns the same traditions, same values, and same expectations that come with every year. And when two teams get ready to square off on the cold third Saturday in November, the adrenaline will be pumping at an all time high...and there will be goosebumps.

As always, NRTTS.

Coach Deuce


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We gotta watch the big game together again this year...

  3. Were talking about a trip to Ann Arbor for that whole weekend. If you guys are in we can block off a whole wing of the hotel...
