Monday, August 31, 2009

Goody Rosenburg's Hunt

Arthur Miller would be proud.

The author of the classic novel/play The Crucible, Miller brought to light the indecency and unfairness of the 17th century Salem Witch Trials.

Someday fifty years from now, an aspiring author will have a brand new witch hunt to make their name off of. Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenburg is trying to do that very thing with his recent string of articles attempting to string Rich Rodriguez up on the corner of Stadium and Main. It started with the Mr. Plow fiasco; with Rosenburg (along with Boren) being out in front decreeing that the program had lost its “family values.” This led to the atrocity that was the 2008 Michigan Football Season. Nobody is blaming Michael Rosenburg for that; this one is on Rich Rod, coaching staff, and players. However, it was very disconcerting to read negative article after negative article about the future of the program, all that rehashed the problems that Rodriguez had faced since coming to UM. After the season, Rosenburg tried to break his “academic scandal,” in which he claimed that *gasp* most football players only come to Michigan to play football! Huge shocker here. This story blew away faster than “The Professor” John Clayton inside Erin Andrews. This summer, there were more departures, which of course must mean that people still do not like Rich Rodriguez. Never mind the fact that transfers happen all across the college football landscape. That would be using logic and not having an agenda. With nothing to write about for a while, Rosenburg exploded at the chance to write about a “Win At All Costs” (ßthe actual headline) Rodriguez allowing part time cocaine dealer Justin Feagin on the team. Never mind the fact that Rodriguez booted him off the team and university once he found out about his indiscretions. Also, never mind the fact that right up the road in East Lansing, Mark Dantonio and Michigan State University let a kid back in school and on the team that had spent the summer IN JAIL!

Of course, this led to Rosenburg’s latest hurrah, the “practice time scandal.” Let me first preface this by saying I hold the integrity of the University of Michigan football program in the highest regard. I would in no way want them to break serious amounts of rules in order to gain a competitive advantage. That being said..

Find me an elite college football team that doesn’t have “voluntary” workouts, practice times, 7 on 7s, and film sessions that exceed the normal amount allotted by the NCAA and I will show you a college football team that is mediocre and is not serious about competition. To use Colorado football coach Dan Hawkins words (slightly modified to fit the situation), “IT’S BIG TEN FOOTBALL BROTHER! YOU DON’T LIKE IT, GO PLAY INTRAMURALS!”

The most disheartening part about this article is the way in which Rosenburg got his quotes. Freshman JaRon Stokes and Brandon Hawthorne are quoted in the article saying how tough the workouts were and how much time they spent on football. Of course, Rosenburg ignored the fact that both kids were completely happy with spending that amount of time on football and took their quotes about as far out of context as he could to stretch his agenda. Rosenburg picked on two true freshmen who have no idea about practice time rules and completely used them. Then there is the dreaded “anonymous source,” which is supposedly one player that is expected to start and a couple who are no longer with the program *coughTONEYCLEMONScough*. What kind of man are you if you are so bitter about something that you would do anything in your power to take down the university that gave you an opportunity, the integrity of a man and his family, and the opportunities for your fellow players who busted their ass right next to you, only failed to complain about it like a little bitch. Mark my words, there will be hell to pay for any names that come out as having spoken against the team and coaching staff. For the three or four disgruntled ex-players, there are hundreds more that will come out and ostracize those people from the Michigan Family. Player like Chad Henne, Rick Leach, Michael Taylor, and even *gasp* The Human Holding Machine Carson Butler have come to the defense of Rich Rodriguez and Mike Barwis. This is not to mention the current players who are defending Rich Rod to the media. Leaders like Mark Ortmann, Stevie Brown, and Obi Ezeh are public in their views that Michigan has done nothing wrong and that the players support Rodriguez and Barwis with all of their will and love for the University.

The notion is out there that Rodriguez and Barwis do not care about their players. Watch Monday’s press conference and tell me that Rich Rodriguez does not care for everyone that suits up in the maize and blue. That is genuine passion for a group of players that has worked harder and overcome more adversity in an offseason than any team in America.

The bottom line is that this story will be blown over once the games on the field start being played. I will go on the record in saying that no sanctions or limits will be imposed on Michigan, because like I said earlier, there is really no wrongdoing. Every elite program in America runs in this fashion. The reality is that major college football has become a business. These are no longer student-athletes. Sure, there are some players that defy expectations and excel in an elite academic field. Those players are few and far between, however. There is just too much time and money invested in football for it to be any other way.

Word on the street was that Monday’s practice was the most emotionally charged practice that has ever taken place on a Michigan practice field. The team can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The day when they will not have to worry about some scumbag like Michael Rosenburg trying to make a name for himself off of their successes and failures. The day when the only thing that matters is the final score. Make no mistake; there will be ups and downs for this young Michigan team. One thing is for sure, though. This will be a team that is united like no other. The nightmare of 7-5 and 3-9 will be erased. The new era of Michigan football will take its next step to a national championship. And The Victors will play…

Never Run The Toss Sweep

Coach Deuce

1 comment:

  1. I'm really looking forward to this "controversy" refueling the rivalry...I just saw the 2007 HBO "Michigan/Ohio State documentary...I was moved to tears....what a great show! Woody and Bo ...It's hard to picture Rod and Tress with the same passion!
    Keep an I open for Bigg Daddy's Blog...I might just have to start being a writer instead of a preacher
    love as always ...your 'ol coach
