Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's coming

I don't know how much its hitting the airwaves around the country, but behind enemy lines there's a developing story concerning THE GAME. Reports have been made official that the Buckeyes will come out of our tunnel looking like the Atlanta Falcons (There is no truth however to the rumor that Pryor will wear #7). In a "tribute" to their 1954 team and the pockets of Nike, the Buckeyes will wear an alternate uniform as part of Nike's "Rivalry Series". While I'm not the biggest fan of Adidas and Michigan, I'll say that I'm thrilled we didn't get lumped into this crapfest with the Buckeyes

This photo taken by Brandon Smith
former Buckeye with more access
than The Gate.

On that cold November Saturday I'm supposed to be standing there, watching the boys in Blue warming up with a smile on my face. Then out of the corner of my eye should be a sparkle and my blood should start to boil. On a bit of a sidenote; the sparkle has gotten brighter as apparently OSU has adopted a 3 year old with glitter to paint their helmets this year. But with these new uni's it'll look like some damn equipment manager for PSU for got they striped the helmets blue, and not red.

While the bottom line on that cold afternoon is a Michigan W I do wish the administration from the enemies side would've looked back a couple of years at the precedent these schools set together: WE WILL NOT COMMERCIALIZE THIS RIVALRY. Next year maybe the Bucks will bring on an all black jersey.

I know one person who dreams of the day Michigan comes out of the tunnel with a yellow jersey. I for one dread it.


  1. Stefan cheated off ME once, in Hanys class, I dont think our parents knew what to do....November 5, 2009 at 4:40 PM

    I am the person dreaming of yellow and this is why. The Browns will never win anything unless they change their jerseys, it is 100% mental it has an impact on every player on that team whether they know it or not. When you go golfing and you wear a nike polo, does that polo make you a better golfer? maybe it managers your sweat etc but if you look good in that polo better than you do in your regular polo you will have confidence that you will play up to the look of that polo. Why do athletes wear wristbands, rubber bands, crazy colored or designed cleats/shoes? It bursts with confidence. Nike has been doing it for decades and it will not stop. Ohio State will come out Saturday fired up because they are carring history on their shirts, or maybe each player finds his own reason to be fired up based on that jersey. I don't have all the answers but I can tell you this, when I switched from Adidas powerswerves to Nike Vapors my skill set drastically improved, I'm not telling you it's a better product, I am telling you I FELT like I could out run everyone, score every chance, and make every pass. And feeling like that makes it happen, the phrase "what the mind believes the body achieves" is truth. Because of how sweet those boots look.

  2. swing gate great picture of the osu 1954 jersey worn by 2 time outland trophy winner,nfl hall of famer, some say the greatest lineman ever to play the game ,but best of all TOLEDO MACOMBER H.S. graduate

  3. Flashy Jerseys just make me think that the program is hiding something... like a lack of talent on the field. I don't care for Oregon or Virginia Tech's 20 alternate jerseys. They are flashy, distracting, and don't carry any continuity from week to week. I could honestly watch them once and then watch them again a few weeks later and not be able to recognize the team by their jersey. I think that is a bad thing.

  4. I'm just a soul whos intentions are good (andy)November 5, 2009 at 9:14 PM

    Did you recognize Oregon against USC last week? Teams with sick jerseys, Oregon, Cinci, Iowa, Boise, disagree if you want. Gimmicky it may be, but successful it may be as well. If you remember the michigan helmet had to be one of the flashiest things in football for the first 30 years it was in place.
