Monday, September 7, 2009

All's Quiet on the Western Front

I was there. Its a standard unlike anyother. It doesn't make you better, but it gives you a different perspective. We all love to tell people "I was there"; Even if you weren't. I was there when Woodson ran the punt back. I was there for App State. I was there for Western Michigan.

Why would anyone care if I was there for WMU? Because this was the start of a new era. 3-9 is a thing of the past. Today we spring with eternal optimism for the first time in 3 years. Its week 2 and we're still in the hunt. No, I'm not calling this a National Title year. Yesterday was a huge step forward for the Michigan football program. The pictures and sounds do not do this event justice.

The renovations are incredible. You don't realize how big they are til you're standing right there in awe of the Even Bigger House. The boxes haven't opened and the construction workers are the only ones to sit in the new club seats. But the environment in Michigan Stadium has changed 180 degrees in 9 months. Even without the glass reflecting sound back there was an energy within those stadium walls that hadn't been felt in 10 years. Chants of Rich Rod-riguez showed that the man was where he belonged. We were ready for this.

Watching Tate Forcier direct traffic and lob a perfect pass to the Junior Hemmingway was a play this fanbase has been waiting for. When Shoelace Robinson bobbled a snap, moved right, cutback left and put it in a gear unknown to Michigan Stadium we thought "Finally". We were on the right side of playmaking. And now we've got two playmakers behind center. The bomb to Junior that hit him perfectly in stride was another play not seen in years. And at every one of these intersections the fans cheered.

And the offense wasnt the only thing to cheer about. The defense played an aggressive style not seen in these parts since the days of Woodson and Steele. There weren't a ton of blitzes from but the front four did their part to put pressure in the backfield and force Western to think more than twice each play. But the real story of the day for the defense was TACKLING. With the loss of Morgan Trent we now have to corners on the edge who can play man to man and make a tackle on an island. The defense always seemed in control of themselves and knowing where they were going.

One of the best moments of the day was after the game was already decided. With Western pinned deep in their own endzone the defense starts urging for the stadium to get loud, a feat usually met with a few yells and a huge letdown, and the stadium responded. You could see the players were feeding off the energy of the crowd...then the officials couldn't figure out how to run a clock and after 3 solid minutes of uproar the crowd finally dwindled down enough for WMU to get out of their own end. While not effective at that juncture it makes you feel positive about a similar situation in October and November with the outcome still in doubt.

Another point that needs addressed. At the final second there were more people in the stadium than I've seen aside from the 1997 OSU game. While I think part of it was the strong desire to see an ass whipping most of the credit has to go to the new use of multimedia. A fairly boring second half was kept entertaining by choruses of "Don't Stop Believing" and "Sweet Caroline" sung mostly by the fans. The All In For Michigan Video and soundtrack kept the stadium electrified and focused on the field.

You are supposed to get better through the course of the year. And if this team follows that mold the Buckeyes had better look out. Yup, I'm looking ahead. But watching this team was like night and day. As the team came over to chants of BEAT THE IRISH, BEAT THE IRISH order felt restored and a new day had dawned on our beloved Wolverines. We have our confidence back, and we've got a team with swagger back.

Its only been one game but this feels like the kind of team that if you get it rolling you better get the hell out of the way. These two QBs seem oblivious to the pressure that sits on their shoulders and the Defense has its swagger back. This could be the year we look back and say, "We should've seen it coming during the Western game" I'll be able to say "I was there

Let the Gate Swing Freely and remember, BEAT THE IRISH!!!

Note- The thought of Navy going in for the tie against the Buckeyes started the day out strong. All of section 35 was hoping for the PA announcement "Final Score from Columbus...." It never came. The only let down of the day.

I almost forgot....THERE'S NO WALL....This renovation made one mistake...and that's getting rid of this Grandfather peed on that wall...I someday hoped my boys would pee on that wall...and they took it out...a sad day indeed.

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