Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's Open Week

Its June 17 and 6 out of 10 sports fans have forgotten who won both the NBA finals and the Stanley Cup. I keep telling myself, only 79 days until Western Michigan makes the trip to Ann Arbor. This week there's a few stories running around sports media in every way I meet it, Internet, TV, and Radio...enough to make quite the summary post heading into the weekend. So lets get to some headlines.

Support Your Local Laker Troop #593

After winning the NBA Championship against Superman (who has the low post game of Graham Brown) the city of L.A. told the Lakers to hit the streets. So like you're local Girl Scout Troop the Lakers had to look to fundraising to get their own parade funded in the city of Angels. But without the deadly weapon that is Somoas the Lakers ended up paying for half the bill. The total cost of the parade was estimated at $2 Million....what the hell are they paying rent a cops in California??

Slammin Sammy Sosa

When I got in the car this morning Mike and Mike were talking about a majority of their show being dedicated to the Sammy Sosa fiasco. Why? Was anyone really surprised at this one? The only there's five guys to hit 60 HRs in a season in the last century and a half, and this guy did it 3 times in a row. I mean really, the guy forgot how to speak English in front of Congress.

Big Daddy Diesel of Cleveland

You know you want to see it. We all do. Everybody loves the REAL Superman. We all want to see Kobe, LeBron, and Shaq all on the court at the Q. Like Kobe haters, LeBron haters have to recognize that the guy is just plain great. Can the King resurrect Superman to the dominant post player he needs to win the title? While Big Z is a feel good story for sticking with the Cavs, you have to wonder if he's a starter anywhere else in the league. And the novelty of Anderson Verajao has quickly worn away. Bring the Diesel to the shores of Lake Erie and we'll be reading about a Parade Fund in Cleveland next year.

The Only Person Not Rooting For Phil?

This is the one that got me fired up to write. For as long as I can remember I've been one of the few to despise Phil Mickelson. I think he's a pompous narcissistic whiner. I love to see him lose his mind on Sunday. With the recent news of his wife's breast cancer battle everyone has hurried over to Phil's side even more than normal. But I hate him even more. He has somehow me this tragedy about him. YOU PLAY GOLF FOR A LIVING!!! I don't care if you're taking time off to be with your wife, its great that you're talents afford you the ability to do something like that. Well in true "Don't forget about me" fashion Phil has nursed himself back to be able to play in the U.S. Open this weekend at Bethpage. The journalists are having a field day with this; winning the Open would be the greatest thing in sports history. Bullshit. The man who gets up to work the night shift at the steel mill only to get home to take his wife to her cancer treatments is the greatest thing a man could do. We all wish Amy Mickelson a full recovery as with all Cancer patients. But Phil is not doing anything special here, he's just playing golf.


  1. Nearly a month without an update and still no comments? I'll be more than happy to oblige. I'll keep checking in once a day to see if you guys have anything new

  2. We'll be back...someday...Like September 5ish
